mass entertainment

Share of the Week — LiteBox, Inc.

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Do you remember the Golden Days of America when families would pack in the car and cruise down to the local drive-in?

…although I cannot remember them myself, let me say, “those were the days.”

And in that spirit, Southern California-based Litebox, Inc. is trying to bring the feeling back…well…kind of.

LiteBox, partnered with Panasonic, is bringing massive screens to the masses–with one caveat: the 40 ft screens are mobile.

Built into a transport container, the mobile system looks like any standard heavy-duty 16-wheeler. Once parked, the top half of the encased screen emerges and rotates, shortly thereafter locking into place atop the bottom half.

The two united screens are then raised out of the container to provide on-demand, high-quality viewing, virtually, anywhere.

For such a technologically-heavy company, I expect more from their website, especially when they have already been liked by 8,358 interested Facebook users. Aside from a link to investor relations and the video above, there is nothing on the site. I mention this because I have been following Litebox since last May, and have waited in anticipation for announcements and developments to surface online. Considering Litebox is currently focusing on building their infrastructure, manufacturing, offices, and client base it is understandable that there is not much new content online.

So why is this my Share of the Week?

Simple. Litebox is taking something traditional and making it modern again. Although I am unsure of the market potential of drive-in theatres, I will be visiting a mobile show when it is in town. The real opportunity for Litebox lies in mass entertainment–more than some cars watching a movie in a parking lot–such as concerts, public events, and sports matches.

Take, for example, London’s 2012 Summer Olympics. Although many fans may not be able to attend events, placing these trucks strategically in large public areas will create a continuous Olympic spirit and keep crowds engaged no matter where they are. Or consider a soccer match in Madrid; for those not in the stadium, fans can gather in a local square to watch the match together on a massive screen while rallying their team. As a final example, I could easily imagine seeing these trucks outside a football stadium here in the U.S. splattered with promotions from companies like Chevy, Gatorade, and Nike.

LiteBox, Inc. has immense potential to redefine outdoor entertainment. Had they not relocated to Indianapolis to build their new factory, I would gladly have applied for a position to help spread and grow their brand.

Keep your eyes peeled for a massive, mobile Litebox near you…not that you will likely be able to overlook it anyway.